Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19th News 2010

Remember to get Film festival entry forms from this site! Due dates are coming up, see the link over on the left for more information. We are working on some great digital prizes! Get your artistic photographs and creative video, documentary or public service announcement in soon. Remember to let us know if you want to help with the Film Festival!

Also- we will be filming our newest GAP commercial next week. Can you dance?! Listen to the announcements next week for details. Come to auditions and win a spot in the GAP commercial that will be shown in the GAP store April 24th and 25th.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 5th News

This week Robert and Victor's anti-drug message resembles a video game....Caroline is dreaming about Prom, and Ebony and Reggi rap about the upcoming blood drive!

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12th News

This week Katy revisits last week's blood drive, and we give you some help in filling out your course registration guide.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Click here to access a list of US PUBLIC DOMAIN FILMS

Click here to access a huge site with ARCHIVES of video and audio libraries


1. CLICK HERE to read about the *Do's and Don'ts of Newsgathering*

2. CLICK HERE to read about TV Legal and Ethical Issues I.

3. CLICK HERE to read about Legal and Ethical Issues II.

4. Write a summary of your reading of all three articles, including the key points of copyright and ethical issues. Then describe how following these laws will affect our work on "The Lion's Den."

5. CLICK HERE to view the "Fair-y Use Tale" video on School Tube.

6. CLICK HERE to download and print the "A Fair-y Use Tale" and fill it out. Turn it in during class or scan and e-mail to me.